Fallout 3 cut content
Fallout 3 cut content

fallout 3 cut content fallout 3 cut content fallout 3 cut content

However, there are no traces of this mission left the game, and no information can be found during the game's development time, so it was most likely just another piece of speculation before release. In the mission, the Courier had the choice to assist him during a murder which would grant him a special perk to deal more damage, or kill him for a large sum of Karma and faction reputation. There was even a rumor that he would kill children. He was a deranged killer and frequently killed anyone who wandered into Primm and Goodsprings. The Lone Wolf, the inhabitant of his eponymous radio station, was originally believed to be featured in a removed story mission. A few people have claimed to have seen dismembered NCR troopers from the nearby city of Primm. There is another graffiti reading "KEEP OUT!" The Player can follow a trail of blood up a nearby hill until it stops without a trace. I am all alone, Let it all end," and there is a bloodstain, which means rumors of the Lone Wolf's suicide are common.

fallout 3 cut content

If the player looks inside the trailer, he will see a piece of graffiti written in marker that says " Everyon is gone. If the player is lucky enough, turning on one of the ham radios inside the trailer, they will be able to hear slight whispering underneath the static and white noise. Similar to Goodsprings Cemetary, more than one kind of paranormal activity happens here. It is located south of the city of Goodsprings and northwest of Primm. Lone Wolf Radio is an abandoned trailer, set up to be a broadcast station. This piece of Copypasta was spread around websites like 4chan following the game's release, and helped the myth grow.

Fallout 3 cut content